The functions of the German IT Planning Council
Creating federal IT solutions together
The German IT Planning Council functions as a central political steering body between the federal and state governments on matters regarding information technology and the digitalisation of administrative services. It promotes and develops joint, user-oriented IT solutions, thus paving the way for an efficient, secure and well-connected digital administrative system in Germany.
The decisions of the German IT Planning Council give the federal and state governments a binding basis for their common federal digitalisation activities.
Overview of functions
in accordance with Sect. 1 of the IT state treaty
- IT coordination
Coordinating federal cooperation on matters regarding information technology - IT standards
Establishing overarching IT interoperability and security standards - Digitalising administration
Coordinating and supporting the federal and state governments on matters regarding the digitalisation of administrative services
- E-government projects
Managing assigned projects and products that are part of digitally supported governance and administration - Network
Coordinating body for the network linking the IT networks of the federal and state governments
FITKO (Federal IT Cooperation)
Agile organisation for implementing the decisions of the German IT Planning Council
An agile organisation called the Federal IT Cooperation, or FITKO for short, was set up to support the IT Planning Council in carrying out its functions and implementing its decisions. FITKO combines all the skills and resources that are required to drive the digitalisation of public administration forwards from a practical standpoint. It coordinates and links the stakeholders, promotes and develops shared solutions and partnerships and offers scope for new collaborative approaches.
FITKO was founded on 1 January 2020 as a result of a change in the IT state treaty. It is an autonomous institution under public law that is funded by all of the states and the federal government with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main.
Overview of FITKO’s functions
- Organisational and technical support for the IT Planning Council
- Hub for federal activities relating to the digitalisation of the administrative system
- Formulating and implementing the federal IT strategy
- Designing and developing the federal IT architecture
- Coordinating and providing operational management for the products and projects of the IT Planning Council
- Managing the digitalisation budget
Detailed information on FITKO: